“The hope is to urge people to reconsider the history & mythology of the cross-country road trip,” says Crosher. “Instead of talking abstractly and fantasizing about the trip west, the idea is to physically move through the very landscape being fantasized.” – NY Times Magazine, Oct 2013
FALL 2013 – SPRING 2015
LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division) is proud to present The Manifest Destiny Billboard Project: a series of artist-produced billboards and activations that will unfold along Interstate 10 Freeway from Florida to California through spring 2015.
Using approximately 100 billboards total, 10 artists will create “chapters” along I-10, each a unique interpretive link to the exhibition thematic. The billboards will move through and punctuate the landscape by tracing territorial expansion from east to west, along one of the country’s busiest freeways, concluding in Los Angeles. The billboards will be activated through various events, programs, and social media outlets for dialogue and interaction with local communities.
The project was conceived by artist Zoe Crosher and is co-curated by the artist and LAND’s Director and Curator, Shamim M. Momin. Using the concept of Manifest Destiny – America’s territorial expansion across North America – the artists will explore this problematic and layered history. Crosher writes, “The intention is to give a physicalized reminder of this extraordinarily influential and destructive 19th century belief which unabashedly dictated the expansion west, that still dictates our movement west, and to gently place/implicate/remind the people unknowingly participating in that landscape along the way.” Momin adds, “By physically moving through and mapping the very landscape that has been so fantasized, dreamed about, and capitalized upon in a breadth of positive and negative ways, the artists have the opportunity to address their work to the idea in a variety of ways – opaque or direct, tangential or political, macro and micro.”
Artists include John Baldessari, Sanford Biggers, Matthew Brannon, Zoe Crosher, Eve Fowler, Shana Lutker, Jeremy Shaw, Daniel R. Small, Bobbi Woods, and Mario Ybarra Jr.
For more, please click here.
Site by The Future.