AUSTIN, Texas – Peralta Projects announces a virtual photography group exhibition and discussion titled “Motel” featuring artists Theresa Anderson, Zoe Crosher, Juan Fuentes, Anthony Francis, and Alexandra Grant. The show brings together artists of varying disciplines and media around the evolving look at the concept of “home” in our time, opening July 13th, 2020.
“The show deals with the meaning of an oftentimes false idea of a permanent place or home,” said Peralta Projects founder, Esteban Peralta. “A pandemic, an unprecedented social and economic crisis, and the everyday issues we all face only serve to magnify the messages in these photographs. Ruminations on transience, loss, and evolution are all part of this exhibition.”
“Motel” opens online here on July 16. The group discussion can be found here.
Peralta Projects brings established and emerging contemporary artists of varying and inclusive backgrounds and practices together in conversation with a specific concentration on the human element of the artists and their work.
#TheresaAnderson #JuanFuentes #AnthonyFrancis #AlexandraGrant #PeraltaProjects #Motel
For more info on the exhibitions, please click here
Please go here for more on the Out The Window (LAX) work.
Site by The Future.