FRUITIQUE! part of the Hammer Museum‘s LA2050 project, Arts ReStore LA
Fallen Fruit (David Burns and Austin Young) collaborate with artists to create a site-specific art installation that functions both as an exhibition and also as a retail store open to the public. The project combines curated and consigned art works into a Fallen Fruit installation project using our fruit wallpaper as a common ground. The public is invited to participate at the ‘Fallen Fruit Factory’ and re-imagine found objects (hand-picked items from thrift stores with fruit as a theme) into art objects that explore the margins of the every day and contemporary art.
Fruitique! 10920 Kinross Blvd, Westwood CA 90024
Thursday-Saturday 11am-8pm; Sundays 11am-5pm
opening event Friday Nov. 1st 7-9pm #ArtsReStore
Arts ReSTORE LA: Westwood is organized by the Hammer Museum as part of the Goldhirsh Foundation’s citywide LA2050 initiative. Arts ReSTORE is made possible by a major grant from the Goldhirsh Foundation and has received significant funding from UCLA.
Artists include:
Mark Allen
Deidre Argyle
Julia Beynon
Ursula Brookbank
Cake and Eat It
Michelle Carr
Zoe Crosher
Miles Conrad
David Earle
Daniel Flores
Daiana Feuer
Corbin Frame
Fallen Fruit (David Burns and Austin Young)
Fallen Fruit (David Burns, Matias Viegener and Austin Young)
Finishing School
Louise Griffin
Gordy Grundy
Oliver Hess
Bettina Hubby
Marielos Kluck
Julie Lequin
Matt Lipps
Mara Lonner
Libby McInnery
Michelle Muldrow
Ranu Mukherjee
National Bitter Melon Council
Paul Pescador
Jeanne Oliveri
Marjam Oskoui
Michael Padilla
Barry Pett
Frances Frankie Ro
Margie Schnibbe
Holly Topping
Abby Travis
Carrie Ungerman
David Vanderpool
Matt Wardell
Susan C. Weber
Jacob Wick
Bruce Yonemoto
Jenny Yurshansky
Carrie Yury
Site by The Future.